Statistics Quotes

Text Quotes
It is the mark of a truly intelligent person to be moved by statistics (Statistics Quotes)
Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital (Statistics Quotes)
There are three kinds of lies - lies, damned lies and statistics (Statistics Quotes)
Sanity is not statistical (Statistics Quotes)
The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic (Statistics Quotes)
Baseball has always been filled with negative statistics (Statistics Quotes)
The only statistics you can trust are those you falsified yourself (Statistics Quotes)
Be able to analyze statistics, which can be used to support or undercut almost any argument (Statistics Quotes)
Advertising is only another form of statistics (Statistics Quotes)
Torture numbers, and they'll confess to anything (Statistics Quotes)
98% of all statistics are made up (Statistics Quotes)
Statistics can be made to prove anything - even the truth (Statistics Quotes)
Satan delights equally in statistics and in quoting scripture (Statistics Quotes)
The average human has one breast and one testicle (Statistics Quotes)
Like dreams, statistics are a form of wish fulfillment (Statistics Quotes)
While statistics are interesting, they're all in the past (Statistics Quotes)
Statistics are human beings with the tears wiped away (Statistics Quotes)
Facts are stubborn, but statistics are more pliable (Statistics Quotes)
There are lies, damned lies and statistics (Statistics Quotes)
People, alas, are more impressed by statistics than they are by ideas (Statistics Quotes)
Luck is statistics taken personally (Statistics Quotes)
God is just a statistics (Statistics Quotes)
Do not trust any statistics you did not fake yourself (Statistics Quotes)
The church has paid a terrible price for statistics! (Statistics Quotes)
Smoking is one of the leading causes of statistics (Statistics Quotes)
Statistics are human beings with the tears wiped off (Statistics Quotes)
Unless statistics lie he was more brave than me: more blond than you (Statistics Quotes)
Use statistics as input not output. Use them to make up your mind on an issue. Don't make up your mind and then go looking for the number to support yourself (Statistics Quotes)
He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lampposts - for support rather than for illumination (Statistics Quotes)
Then there is the man who drowned crossing a stream with an average depth of six inches (Statistics Quotes)